xover settings for Avantgarde owners - survey.

Hi - I have been "playing" with different xover settings on my Unos and have found noticable differences in the mids (paricullary voices) at different positions.

I am curious to learn where do Avantgarde usres set the xover cut in the subs. I know this depends on the room size, amps used and even personal taste, at any rate - I am calling those who want to participate in this survey for 15 days and I will personaly post the results at the end of this thread.

Since there are also different Avantgarde versions and subwoofer models (and hoping I am not runing into a big mistake here) I suggest to report the xover setting at clock positions (eg - half way is 12PM).

This apply for all Avantgarde Uno and Duo owners and I will start the data thread - mine is set at 12PM.


I too have Duo/225 sub's set at 140HZ. Driving them with an Art Audio PX25.

I've had Duos for six years. After about six months of use I dropped the XO setting from factory default (can't remember what it is, 170 hz, maybe?) to 140 hz and haven't looked back.
UPDATE - I have received many responses to my mail, and just the five above - I will post results as promised - so far it looks like average settings are at 150 Hz (a little lower for DUO owners).


Everyone who's posted above, most of whom I know, have DUOs. 140 for DUOs.

190 for UNOs. Any lower and you'll lose cohesiveness and the sound will be weak in the power response region. As I posted above, 190 is pretty much non-negotiable on the UNOs.

FWIW - I do have a bit of experience with these speakers.
OK guys ' Here are the final results:

Participants 32
UNO owners: 11
DUO owners: 20
Undefined: 1

Average position 185Hz
Average Position UNO owners: 8PM (rounded)
Average Position DUO owners: 6PM (rounded)

I will run the same survey at AA and retrive results here as well.

Thanks all.
