Dali MegaLine overviews from owners ?

Considering a pair of MegaLine and trying to get any opinions from owners and listeners regarding the hardships and happiness these speakers carry.
Thank you in advance for any comments.
My friend Clemment Perry of Stereotimes, has a fully tweaked up pair of Megalines, and he is extrmely picky. A properly setup pair of Megaline's produces a sound quality comparably to the Wilson Alexandria or the NOLA Grands,for so much less!

I disagree about the thunderous bass comments. The Dali Megalines or in general the entire line does not produce thuderous bass at all. Dali tunes for speed and bass defination rather than depth and extension.

Clemment has used a multitude of powered and unpowered woofers to agument the speakers bass performance and once integrated the speaker will take on all comers!

As per the high power vs low power argument, I would like to see a speaker with this kind of dynamic range with a larger amplifier to gurantee the effortless sound they are capable of, but the choice and utilization of the amplifier is a personal one.

As per the build quality issues it does depend on the vintage latter Megalines are better made than earlier ones and many people has modified the crossovers to even higher quality.
Oracle is, of course, a Dali dealer which most certainly needs to be disclosed in this discussion.

Any opinion on his part without that disclosure is irrelevant.
audiooracle: why would you or any other dealer even think about throwing out an opinion without full disclosure as long as audiofeil is watching over us? you know he'll bust your ass.

audiofeil: you the man!
Kurt_tank, Albert certainly has a lot of power but even he will tell you that he doesn't use it. We suspect that his amps rarely make it out of class A. On the 750s that's not a lot of power.

As to 'thunderous bass' I am quoting one of my customers. I am guessing that a lot depends on the amps, so apparently like many other speakers it makes a difference what amps you put on it...