New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

IMHO new Cremona M will be at least little bit better then old one.
Regarding "Hot" treble character-you can listen to then with grill-on(in fact I listen to my Anniversario's with grill-on) as a option. I can tell you one thing highs are also very open on Anniversario's as well. I audition Elipsa and found it pretty good but, I do not like the way those elliptic cabinets(Stradivari as well) develope soundstage...

Your Linn amp can really be little bit too cold or analytic for any new Sonus Faber speaker(Cremona M, Elipsa or Amati Anniversario). You can compesate with "warm" speaker cables(a la Cardas Golden Cross) but, IMHO this is a wrong way.
If you want a good amp for new Cremona M choice is pretty big but, for me here is a short list:

Audio Research HD220/REF3 combo
Audio Research REF110/REF3 combo
Ayre V1xe/K1xe
Gryphon Diablo int. amp
Krell FBI int. amp
Pass X250.5/X1 combo

Or maybe some Plinius amp like SB-301?

You can add Yter cables and you will have pretty nice sounding system...
Hi branimir

The point anout the grills make sense

The klimax amps stay no matter what
i have heard the smaller klimax twin on cremonas and i absolutly loved the sound the cremonas completly balanced the klimax amp out .

The klimax amps are very transperant and the kvality of the source is of abmost importans and i thing its here much of the coldness comes into play .

I know this for a fact since when i demoed the klimax amp we tried a lot of combinations

Its really a tuff on because i still need the new cremona M speakers to have a varm balanced sound to make them work best in my system.

Just read some more comments on the elipsa there seem to be many people that say it has that human warm midrange/top that many love about sonus faber speakers in general
And also that the elipsa are Full sounding wich is also good for the Klimas amps,

The vifa tweeter that used in the elipsa and the new cremona m is musch more smoth sounding compared to the scanspeak version in the strad and anniversario

Both versions is manufactored here in my home country denmark and i have heard many speakers that have the scanspeak version i have also owend the gamut l3 speaker wich have that tweeter.

Still need input for one ho have heard them

I heartily agree with you (and disagree with Brainimir) about the Sonus - Linn Klimax pairing. I think they sound excellent together.
I agree with Branimir...I did not care about the pairing of the Klimax Chakra with my Cremona's. Just for reference, I much preferred the Nagra VPA and Nagra MPA's with the Cremona's. Klimax is a bit too lean for my taste.
Hi pinkus

What frontend did you use ?

Well it dossent really matter enyway becaus i have heard the cremona 3 way with both klimax chakra twin and chakra c2200 and loved the sound and that was matters and i trust my ears more then enything else.

But enyway the word from the linn comunities is that dont even think about the klimax amps if you do not intend to use top notch front end otherwise you will end up with glarish sound so actually you get a better sound from lesser amplifires.

Every time i heard klimax amps or chakra we used the unidisk sc as both source and preamp.

We did alos one time try the majik frontend and cd player on the chakra c2200 and it sounded much to bright and sharp.