New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

I heartily agree with you (and disagree with Brainimir) about the Sonus - Linn Klimax pairing. I think they sound excellent together.
I agree with Branimir...I did not care about the pairing of the Klimax Chakra with my Cremona's. Just for reference, I much preferred the Nagra VPA and Nagra MPA's with the Cremona's. Klimax is a bit too lean for my taste.
Hi pinkus

What frontend did you use ?

Well it dossent really matter enyway becaus i have heard the cremona 3 way with both klimax chakra twin and chakra c2200 and loved the sound and that was matters and i trust my ears more then enything else.

But enyway the word from the linn comunities is that dont even think about the klimax amps if you do not intend to use top notch front end otherwise you will end up with glarish sound so actually you get a better sound from lesser amplifires.

Every time i heard klimax amps or chakra we used the unidisk sc as both source and preamp.

We did alos one time try the majik frontend and cd player on the chakra c2200 and it sounded much to bright and sharp.

Not to be disrespectfull

Just read some of you comments on how important the preamp is you state that when you hit the 5000 usd mark it dossent get eny better .

every one that have experinces with highresolusion swiching amplifires know that that issent tru at all

ALL the swiching amplifires i have heard including nuforce ref 9 se V2 and kharma mp150 and various linn amps have all been xtremly sensitive to the front end used going from glarish brigt unbareble sound to smooth dynamic fantastic sound from the same amplifire.

Source first is the english school i do agree with that to some point but if you have a tube amplifire that colours the sound the difference will peroberly not be as clear.
Can someone point to me where I can find out more about Cremona M? Sounds like it's the tweeter change? Retrofitable?