Bose 901...really

The good book says that there is a time and place for everything. Even Bose 901s?

I am building a pool house addition to my house, 36 X 26 with a cathedral ceiling about 24 ft. The entire interior is hard surface wood, glass, and concrete, so it will be very reverberant. I want to install a set of multichannel speakers. For the fronts, I am all set, with NHT1259 woofers in a 3 cu ft wall cavity, along with three Dynaudio monitors, mounted on the wall. (I have all this on hand). The rear wall includes a very large set of windows. They say that if the world gives you lemons, make lemonade. Why not use that expanse of glass and wood as a reflector for Bose 901s? I have a hunch it would work quite well. And the darned things a cheap as speakers go these days.
I would find a good used pair of the Bose 901 on Ebay or here on Audiogon and give them a try. Why not? If they don't sound right in your pool room, you can always re-sell for minimal loss. Then again, they might be just the ticket for a fun time in the pool with good sounds.
If you get the Bose 901s, get the version used for outdoor concerts, which should mitigate against any humidity problems. They should work fine in those conditions and the equilizer does give you some control over the brightness caused by the glass surfaces. Not sure about what the price might be for used outdoor 901s.
BTW, I have found the 901s to be excellent rear channel speakers for home theatre, due exactly to their 'direct/reflecting' properties and healthy bass.

Salut, Bob P.
As you said, it's not a room for reference sound. The Bose speakers have a great sound for parties. Your guests will love them.
Well, I owned a pair years ago...not really a bad idea you have. Member Inpepinnovations may have a good idea also...aren't those called 801"s?

The rugged professional Bose speakers are 802. They look a bit like the 901, but are really a different design, and cost just a bit more than half what the 901 costs.