Bose 901...really

The good book says that there is a time and place for everything. Even Bose 901s?

I am building a pool house addition to my house, 36 X 26 with a cathedral ceiling about 24 ft. The entire interior is hard surface wood, glass, and concrete, so it will be very reverberant. I want to install a set of multichannel speakers. For the fronts, I am all set, with NHT1259 woofers in a 3 cu ft wall cavity, along with three Dynaudio monitors, mounted on the wall. (I have all this on hand). The rear wall includes a very large set of windows. They say that if the world gives you lemons, make lemonade. Why not use that expanse of glass and wood as a reflector for Bose 901s? I have a hunch it would work quite well. And the darned things a cheap as speakers go these days.
I was curious to see if the Bose equalizer could be completely replaced by the Behringer DEQ2496 (instead of using both in series). Answer is definitely YES, although the Bose user manual says otherwise.

First set the Parametric function to 502 Hz / 6 oct / -14 dB. This compensates most of the speaker's frequency response problem.

Then do the usual Automatic equalization process. This tweeks things up and takes care of room effects.

The overall sonic result is significantly improved over using the Bose electronics. Perhaps much of the inferior sound of these speakers derives from the electronics rather than the speakers proper.
>> For serious listening I can relax with my Maggies.

You have the right attitude. I also recently bought a pair of good used 901s because I wanted something to listen to loud head-banging rock with. Do I think they are great speakers? No. Would I do any really serious listening with them? Hell no. Are they LOUD? Yup. Fun? Yup. Are they worth what I paid for them? Absolutely.
I am thinking of using them for a while at my two rear channels in a home theatre.
Bose 901s can be EQ'd using any graphic Equalizer with enough boost at both ends of the spectrum. The DEQ 2496 just does so automatically and in the digital domain, plus compensating for the curve of the room(which the Bose EQ does not). It won't do anything for the intermodulation distortion that results, or the fact that the speakers can't possibly creat an accurate image. That not an opinion- it's estabished fact, based on measurable data(the IM) and over 30 years of experience with the design(mine and a multitude of others), using live music as a reference. I WILL grant that using the Behringer and eliminating the Bose piece would probably make the system somewhat more listenable.
Rodman99999...I have been surprised, and you would be also, by the excellent imaging and soundstage created by MY Bose901s in MY room. The wall behind them is 26 ft wide with a cathedral ceiling going up to about 24 ft, and with a wide and tall window in the center. The walls and ceiling are all cedar wood. Talk about reflective!! But the 901s, set out about 6 or 7 ft from the wall, and about 14 ft apart, really like this environment. I bet that few audiophiles who are so critical of the 901s have heard them in such an environment. I did long ago (brick wall in a warehouse) and that's what gave me the courage to try them in my new room.

IM distortion is very anoying to me, but I don't hear any unusual amount from these speakers. I find that it mostly occurs with vocals, and the microphone used to record the voice is usually the source.