Need list of 92db speakers and above.

Looking for a list of high efficiency full range speakers for a second system. That system will have a 5 watt SET amp as does my main system. I already have a pair of Abbys I purchased recently but may want a little different on the second system just to play with.

Silverline Audio Sonata MK3 great speaker with SET. Had a pair for about 2 yrs driven with 10 watts Wavelength Cardianl X-1.

You've gotten some good suggestions so far. You can also do a search on Lowther, Fostex, Hemp, Jordan and Audio Nirvana to find speakers using these single full-range drivers.


I don't think you are going to be happy with 5 watts with speaker below 99 db efficiency unless you keep the volume down low or it is a very small room. I have a Reimyo PAT777 300B SET. Its 8 watts are not enough with my 93 db Acapellas. It was unbelievable on my 103 db Beauhorns. I also enjoy 1.56 watt 45 SET on them.
No crossover, Single driver, full range, under 3 g's? Simple enough, Zu Druid.. used for even 2 g's a pair.