REL with Integrated Amp connection Question

This is a very noobish question but then again I'm a noob with subwoofers integrated with 2 channel systems =)

Assuming I have a Krell integrated and a Yamaha HT receiver. I have two speakers, I'd like to integrate a REL subwoofer. Currently I have the Krell as my dedicated two channel amplifier connected to a DAC and transport; however I also use the Krell to power the two front speakers and use the Yamaha AVR as a processor and video switcher via Krell's HT by-pass function. Confused yet? Now I ask you how in the world can I connect a REL sub like the Q-108 into the mix? I'd REALLY hope it can be done somehow through the Krell's pre-out line level outputs and not through the speakers terminals where I would then have to run speaker wire (thick Harmonic Technology) to the Subwoofer.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Can't see how you would use acoustic bass management in HT mode unless it were hooked up to Yamaha at least.Can't remember if you can use dual out's at same time on REL but yes this is a conundrum unless when you kill the Yamaha the pre's out of Krell just kick in (though you would need to change level in back for Krell).Spacing for a moment bu as can't remember if REL has Neutrik or line level and speaker level connectors.Guess I would use Neutrick with Krell and line level into Yamaha.But can't see in this set up how you could use speaker level connection to sub out of Krell.Maybe RCA cable splitter and just pull out of Yamaha during Krell only operation.Dunnoh without sitting and playing with it and seeing how you have throughput set up but imagine it uses variable pre out.In any case it will probably necessitate pulling or switching set of RCA's.Good luck.

Lets assume for a second I don't incorporate the sub for home theatre, how would the Speakers/REL and Krell be connected? Maybe I'm oldschool but I always thought the speakers would be connected to the subwoofer (via speaker binding posts) then connect from the subwooofer to the amp (via speaker binding posts).
The best way to hook it up is with the high level inputs. And you don't need thick heavy cable to do that. I have the 108 with my Krell 400xi, and the high level is the way to go by far.