most accurate loudspeakers....

Many of you are correct, it is personal choice and your own ears. Now that being said ,I do agree with Stevecham in that Thiels are incredibly accurate and one of the best
loudspeakers I ever heard was a Thiel CS 7.2 my ears that is.
Once in a while, I get the magic of realism. This is a fragile experience affected by the recording, probably the quality of electrical service, and even my sensitivity at the time. I know that speaker positioning, room treatment, breakin, stability of the cabling (not having been moved), etc., but when nothing involving these has happened, there seem to be some times when everything is "right."

I did not have the magic moments in the past which suggests my system has improved. I guess I need to concede that good speakers are part of this improvement, although I really think that speakers have improved very little in the last 40 years.

I do seek the idea of my system providing a musical event in my room. I want to at least have the "magic" of thinking I am at the recording event. If this is the definition of an accurate speaker, that is what I want. I do certainly agree that all speakers are compromises. Over the years I have recognized that it is the leading edge of the music and its dynamics that most pleases me. I like light weight diaphragms and high efficiency which really only leaves horns, but I also hate crossovers! This is why I got so excited about the new Feastrex full range drivers, only to realize that they are still a work in progress. What I would give for a 20 Hz-20K Hz, single driver, 103 db efficiency speaker!
The first and last speaker to fool me I was listening to a live performance was a tri-amped pair of Tannoy 215 DMT II that were being used as the main playback (not mixing) monitors in a recording studio. No other system, in any room, has come close. Of course, the studio had probably spent as much on acoustic treatment of the room as on the speakers (which used to retail for $9K/pr.).

Dr Joe,

Tri-amped Tannoy 215 DMT's that would be impressive! Where did you hear these?

By main monitor, I guess you mean these were permanently installed (in walls?) and mainly used to impress clients...
In my opinion Kharma speakers are the most accurate speakers on earth!

