Horns vs Ribbons vs Dyanamic

Something I've been interested in: could you shed some light on the pros and cons, as well as technical info, of different types of speakers? These are the kinds I know about, are there others?

Electrostatic (????)

First of all, there are exceptions to any generality put forward about this or that type of loudspeakers. And often it is these exceptions to the rule that are the most exciting.

Horn systems: These typically use a horn-loaded high frequency compression driver, but sometimes it's conventional cone(s) or dome(s) loaded by a horn. More rare is the horn-loaded low frequency driver - these call for very large enclosures. The back-loaded horn is a subspecies normally used with a full-range driver. Horn systems excel at dynamic contrast, one of the things that differentiates the live music experience from the reproduced experience. Poorly designed horn systems tend to sound harsh in the midrange and/or treble region, but well designed horns do not. Good horn systems are capable of very natural-sounding tonal balance (this is a fairly complex subject that I can go into if you'd like). Horn systems are likely to work well with low-powered specialty tube amps, and therein lies much of their appeal.

Planar speakers (including ribbons and electrostatics): These are typically large or at least tall systems that sometimes use a conventional woofer for the bottom few octaves. Much of the challenge in that case is getting a good blend between woofer and dipole planar driver. Some planars are "fullrange" - that is, no conventional woofer is needed. In my opinion these sound better, but for a given dollar amount they won't play as loud or as deep. One advantage of planar-type drivers over conventional cones and domes is a better power-to-weight ratio, which translates into better inner detail and resolution. Electrostat and ribbon devotees argue over which has the higher resolution; I'm in the electrostat camp. Often (but not always) planars have smaller sweet spots than other types. Dipole planars tend to give a nice sense of spaciousness along with negligible levels of coloration. Now some planar drivers are used as monopoles - that is, they radiate in one direction only. In practice monopole planars are usually comparable to a very good dome tweeter except they have a narrower radiation pattern (which may or may not be desirable depending on the application). A good planar delivers excellent timbre (tonal and textural quality) of voices and instruments, but is often low in efficiency and demanding of amplification and space within the listening room.

Direct-radiator dynamic speakers using cones and domes make up probably 90% of what's on the market if not more. There's an enormous variety of direct-radiator dynamic speakers out there, so generalities are dangerous to make. But in general, dynamic speakers will give you the deepest bass in the smallest box, and the best-imaging speakers are usually direct-radiator dynamics. To be specific, the best imaging I've yet heard was from a fullrange single-driver speaker; it didn't use a separate woofer and tweeter. To my ears most direct-radiator dynamic speakers have compromised tonal balance, but their cost-effectiveness and popularity are evidence that I'm in the minority here.

If your highest priority is for the excitement and liveliness of a live performance, in my opinion that's probably best served by a good horn system. If you are looking for openness with minimal coloration and don't mind trading off some liveliness to get there, then a good planar will probably best serve you. If you're looking for deep bass extension and/or holographic imaging then perhaps a direct radiator dynamic is what you need.

Once again, these are generalities - and it is often the exceptions that are the most exciting.

Very interesting responses.

Bill, the new speakers are Legacy Focus HD. Not the best speaker in the world but they certainly seem to hold their own and are a tremendous value for their price.

Chadnliz, I don't recall being quite as dogmatic as you're pretending me to be. Perhaps you should re-read my previous post.

Shadorne, don't be so elementary. (I don't believe I'm having to respond this way).

Moreover, I could respond to both of your comments based solely on its face or I could simply say to you both, I don't expect somebody at your level of understanding to comprehend what I said.

In my experience, Horns can make a dramatic first impression, but become annoying over time. I have often mentioned that they reproduce dixieland jazz with frightening realism. Those trumpets sound so real.

But I prefer speakers where violins don't sound like trumpets.

"Electrostatics are at the other end, with a max SPL of some in the 88dB range. "

More than a little misleading, in my opinion. My Sound Labs have no problem hitting 102+ dB peaks (measured by SPL meter). Hell, even the ESL57s don't start to show strain well into the mid-90s. I can't imagine what 'stat tops out at 88 dB.
Hi Dr Mechams says, "I grew up on horns still enjoy tem for those got to hear it lOUD moments."

Crank it up dude!