What can I drive w/ the 8wpc Air Tight 300B amp?

The Air Tight ATM 300b is the best amp I have ever heard (notwithstanding the VAC 30/30 and 70/70) With 8 watts per channel and a medium sized (14 x 17) room- I don't even think I can drive Quad 2905s. Any recommendations??
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I Agree that the Coincident and Silverlines are big players in your amp type/size. I can't speak for the Coincident sound but I can for the Silverlines: Full bodied, natural, non-fatiguing, engaging but not forcefully, excellent mids, clean but not etchy highs, taught and well extended bottom; will closely mimic your amp's personality. Great value, very easy to live with daily. Well worth seeking out for audition. (FWIW: I don't sell them, just own them). Good luck.
Dr Gizmo said you havent heard what a 300b can do unless you heard one driving sunlight engineering se308 concentrics 104db easy 16ohms
I'll speak up for the coincidents. They are amazing. Very detailed and accurate but not harsh in any way. Full range speakers that aren't monsters in the room. Coincidents make tube rolling easy and fun...
Silverline is not *that* efficient unless you use Alan Yuns own homebrew 300B amp that is heavy as heck, still with loud passages we heard it clip @ his shop.

try diatone P610MA or P610MB mated with a supertweeter.
Thats an affordable way to get that WE/Lowther/Fostex sound.
Thank you for your responses- I am looking into Coincident, Omega, Quad, Sonus Faber, and Piega. I tried Klipschs- loud but too much of a horn sound.