Power Amp for Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v2

I've got a pair of Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v2's that I like in my 2 channel music-only application, but would like to try and get more detail, soundstage (3d), separation, and bass accuracy. In my research on web fora and review sites, many owners of my speakers report improvements in the aspects I'm looking for with the addition of a power amp that features higher wattage and higher current.

My question for the sages here is whether adding a power amp seems like an effective way to go, and if so, is it generally better to use a couple of monoblocks or would an single stereo power amp be just as good? I realize it probably varies by the individual product, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask whether *in principle* monoblocks or a single stereo are better for achieving the improvements I seek. Is there any alternative advice beyond amps?

My system consists of entry-level components from around the turn of the millennium (with links to specs)

* High end Sony CD player (long model # I can never remember)
* Arcam A75 integrated amplifier (50 wpc continuous, includes preamp out)
* Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v2

Some owners of my speakers report great improvement with the Rotel 1090, which seems to be designed as two monoblocks in a single chassis. I see one on eBay for $250, which is good for my budget, but not sure if it would play well with the Arcam.

Thanks for any insight you might provide, especially from anyone with experience of my speakers/components.

I found it on line as a per foot price. Music direct has it as well as AudioAdvisor.
Good day. I would like some feedback from the community on my kit. Having trouble getting low end grunt. Soundstage is good, imaging good. I have tons of clean volume but the system sounds lean? I guess? Here what Im working with:
Sudiotech stand, shelves are spiked. CD player is on Nordost Pulsar Points ans  Gutwire Note Pads rests on the transport.
Nordost Shiva power cord powers the CD player
CD PLAYER- Rotel RCD991AE balanced ouputs/ adjustable dither/ digital output
Straigtwire Crescendo balanced interconnect 
PREAMP - Classe CP35 balanced inputs/outputs
Audioquest Cheetah balanced interconnect
AMP- Mark Levinson no. 334 balanced inputs
SPEAKERS - Paradigm Reference studio 100v2 on spikes
Best regards

Sorry folks. Forgot the speaker interface.
Audioquest Gibralter single biwire 2.5 mtr.
Thanks again!