Importance of recapping a SS amp?

I have an Odyssey Stratos power amp that I purchased new in 2000. It has been suggested that it should be recapped just because of its age. I've not detected any sonic decline. Is this considered standard practice with a solid state amp of this age? When I've googled it, most of hits concern vintage tube amps.

Thanks for any advice.

I wouldn't worry about it, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Many will talk about replacing caps in an amp every 15-20 years, but much of that has to do with the caps, the amp design, and the use. Caps are more prone to failure and need of replacement if the are forced to sit for long periods of time (years) without use, in excess heat (Class A bias) or other conditions. Your Odyssey is not Class A, does not run real hot, if you have been using it on a regular basis, your caps are probably in good shape for another 20 years.

I once bought a 20 year old Class A amp and sent it to the manufacturer (CODA) to be recapped. To their credit, they actually talked me out of it by telling me the caps looked great and tested great. They said the caps would probably last another 20 years.

Just relax and enjoy the music.

I agree with Jmcgrogan2.

You could pop the cover off and visually inspect the caps. I think they start swelling a little bit before they go bad and start leaking... Im sure someone else can confirm or discredit that.
Thanks for the advice. There are certainly other things I can spend the money on.