Audio Physic Scorpio - How does it rate?

I've looked up opinions on the forums. Some like the older Virgo II or III better, and say the Scorpio's drivers are the same as the Tempo. No ring radiator.

Yet, Michael Fremer had high praise for this speaker. How does it sound, and how does it compare to other Audio Physics? Is it a value at $7,000 new?
I spoke to a former audio salesman who sold Audio Physic. His opinion is they are decent speakers, but only that, and one of the most highly overrated speakers, that are not what they are hyped to be by Fremer and others. He says the cabinets are too resonant and live, resulting in bass that is marginal at best, the tweeters not that extended or detailed, and the soundstage good, but not great. I better duck now before the mudslinging begins...
why you don't try to listen to the Scorpio by yourself? I'm an Audio Physic dealer and I absolutely don't agree on what the ex-dealer said (ask him why now he don't sell Audio Physic anymore!). And what is overrated for you can be a bargain for somebody else. Trust your ears and hope in a good demo.
Speakers are the most personal of all system components. The only way to choose is to listen. Audio Physic has made a lot of ordinary speakers. They've also made some that are simply extraordinary. The same can be said for all speaker manufacturers.
I can't listen to the Scorpio because no one has them in my area. Of course, I agree that a demo is the best way, but that's not always possible.

Lino, what speakers do you carry in your dealership that you compared the Scorpio to? Or, speaker lines you auditioned and didn't find as good. Why don't you give some thoughts and comparisons to us?