B&W 805D

Well I have it from a reliable source that it is in the works.

Can't wait to hear it.

What are your thoughts good and bad.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65
What you're hearing is the front ends that are being used. The 80xD series sounds like absolute crap at my dealer (ear bleeding crap for that matter) and yet my 803D speakers sound nothing like that. The sound of the 80xD series reflects whatever you put in front of them. Essentially, if the diamond tweeter is fatiguing it's because there's an issue upstream. Source first, always.
System was all Classe Omega series...I happen to like these componets a lot....Interconects were audioquest sky...something else I like a lot....speakers were 800D...just happen to not like them so much...They were under-powered by about 600 watts, perhaps that would make a difference...when I have the chance I will get ahold of a pair of 803s with the diamond tweeter (have to wait for the right deal) but I have a feeling that they just will not sound as musical as many other speakers I have heard, most of which cost a lot less.
There you go, Audioquest Sky. Silver cables, das is no goot. Stick with copper. Also, personally, not impressed by the Classe as that's what my dealer was pairing with the 80xD series.
I think for some reason since the b&w audio group sells Classe that they mandate to the dealer that they are supposed to have the Classe hooked up to the b&w's...Why this is I do not understand...I would much rather hear the Mac amps that the dealer also sells, or perhaps the Krell and even some of the rotels than the Classe all of the time...but I do like classe gear a lot...just not paired with the b&w's all of the time...I still however, do not believe that b&w's are the most natural sounding speakers available.
I'd be surprised if the dealer wouldn't allow you to swap the Classe out. When I bought my first pair of N804 in NYC, I was swapping in everything including my dealer's used gear (from lines they didn't sell new) and when I bought my 804S I brought with me and used my CX-7e and AX-7e (my front end at the time) and my local dealer has nothing to do with Ayre. To my knowledge there is nothing from B&W that says a dealer can under no circumstances allow a demo with other than Classe/Rotel gear. They may be required to use them as the default demo gear but if you ask, most (all?) dealers are smart enough to want to make a sale and will do anything within reason to make it happen, particularly on speakers from US$ 8,000 on up.