Help with Preamp selection

Hello Everyone, I am building a new system and I am having a hard time with selecting a preamp to be paired with my Pass Labs XA-30.5 Class A amp. I am no audio engineer and to be honest I really don't know what to make of all the specifications. I have read where the Pass amp like low input gain from a pre-amp but other than that I am unsure what else to look for. I definitely want a pre-amp with balanced inputs and outputs so I can experience everything the balanced PASS labs has to offer. I am leaning towards solid state vs tubes only because their seems to be more balanced offerings and less maintenance.

My budget is $1000-$2000 for a used or new unit. Here are some of the choices I have been mulling over:
1. Wyred 4 Sound STP SE
2. Lower end Ayre Unit (This is $3500 new but have seen as low as $2K on used market
3. Parasound JC-2 (out of my range even used)
4. Cary Audio SL-100 (New)
5. Audio Research (So many units to choose from would be interested if they are in price range)
6. Jolida Fusion

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly - any recommendations on budget speaker cable and interconnects? I am looking for well made but at a reasonable price. Budget for 10' speaker cables $200-$250 and XLR connectors $100-$150.

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Canare star quad is really all you need for the xlr and speaker cable, they really clean up the sound.
I would grab this great piece asap, if I hadn't already got one myself. It has done wonders for my system. JA/Stereophile rates it a "solid Class A".

Here's a link to a good discussion on the Ayre K5-xeMP, with some brief comparison to ARC, VTL and even its big brother, the KX-R.

Happy listening.
Hey Jon2020 yes it seems to be well praised across the board. At this point it's between used Ayre 5K and the Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE.
Nmiller - it really looks perfect to me. no scratches, I have the remote. lovely piece. I can email you photos. I can put up on agon for you so you can have a track record. what ever is easier for you. I got a great deal on my new preamp so no issues letting this one go. is my e.
So I pulled the trigger on the Ayre K-5xe MP preowned. Thanks to all for the advice in this thread as it was very helpful.