Crossover Volume Level

I just built my own passive crossovers and found the volume level for the mids is too high. I know how to adjust this level with a resister, but would like to know if there is a way to measure the volume level output of the tweeter/mid/woofer to achieve a balanced sound without guessing and secound guessing myself. At a given volume setting, using a SPL/DB meter are there general guidlines as to what each speaker SPL/DB should fall in to achieve a balanced sound from the combined speakers. Thank you in advanced for your help.
Thanks for the info. Mechans, I agree the sound I like is the only sound that matters to me. Which recordings do you have DB to CPS levels for? I have Ayre's "Irrational, But Efficacious" cd that I have been using to break in the crossovers, but this recoeding doesn't have set freqs, it sweeps the freqs.
Dan, I'll try the Micro-Cap and thanks for the tips.
And, when you do the testing, please measure each speaker separately -- not together.
I agree that measuring the drivers individually is the way to do crossover development.

If one is measuring what is happening in the room both speakers should be used.
Does anyone have B&W 802 Matrix S3 speaker crossover points they can pass on to me? The new crossover I made is much like the ones from Northcreek. Even though I used the same manufacturers values, I wanted to check to see that with the new componets, that the points haven't shifted.