Duke - You are hanging heavy on a fragile thread. Yes, Yes, Yes, there is a remote chance that somebody will read one of my positive comments about Zu and contact me for an opportunity to come to my house in Fruita, Colorado. I don't have a store, I don't have a dedicated listening room and I don't have a website.
Did you get that part about my house? No one who reads anything I say can provide me with a commission opportunity unless they come to my house in Fruita, Colorado. Fruita, Colorado.
Since I live 300 miles from the Zu factory, you may as well go there as come here unless you live in Denver or somewhere in the Colorado mountains. It is not impossible but it is an extreme longshot that has not occurred. If anybody out there wants to prove me wrong about how extremely obscure this is, I will be happy to take the opportunity to eat my words.
This accusation is absurd in the extreme. My declaration on Audio Circle exists over there because of the same kind of overly ambitious vigilante finger pointing that is taking place here.
I'm probably famous for my Zu endorsements by now and it should be pretty obvious that I am not trying to sneak up on anybody. I also said nothing negative about those other brands. The guy who started this thread asked to know what other speakers we changed from or previously owned, so I listed a few.
You're really trying to make something from nothing here.
Mesa County comprises 3,340 square miles. It has a population of about 125,000 people. Besides myself, only Tom Merrill reads Audiogon. I have put forth inquiries in the past and found no one else. I have typed local zip codes into the search square and come up empty. During the 80s when high end audio was blooming throughout the U.S. this area was in the deepest of Depressions due to the big pullout of Exxon and Shell from their oil shale exploration. People left their keys in the mailbox and drove away. No high end audio then and none now. I have no local market. It's a joke at Zu. Nobody expects me to make a nickel off of my Zu affiliation except you. So please tell me how my endorsement in this thread can bring the money my way. I've got two boys who will be going to college in the next couple of years. We could damn sure use the funds. Since you see my potential so clearly, clue me in. How can I realize this windfall that you feel I'm cooking up by failing to disclose?
Did you get that part about my house? No one who reads anything I say can provide me with a commission opportunity unless they come to my house in Fruita, Colorado. Fruita, Colorado.
Since I live 300 miles from the Zu factory, you may as well go there as come here unless you live in Denver or somewhere in the Colorado mountains. It is not impossible but it is an extreme longshot that has not occurred. If anybody out there wants to prove me wrong about how extremely obscure this is, I will be happy to take the opportunity to eat my words.
This accusation is absurd in the extreme. My declaration on Audio Circle exists over there because of the same kind of overly ambitious vigilante finger pointing that is taking place here.
I'm probably famous for my Zu endorsements by now and it should be pretty obvious that I am not trying to sneak up on anybody. I also said nothing negative about those other brands. The guy who started this thread asked to know what other speakers we changed from or previously owned, so I listed a few.
You're really trying to make something from nothing here.
Mesa County comprises 3,340 square miles. It has a population of about 125,000 people. Besides myself, only Tom Merrill reads Audiogon. I have put forth inquiries in the past and found no one else. I have typed local zip codes into the search square and come up empty. During the 80s when high end audio was blooming throughout the U.S. this area was in the deepest of Depressions due to the big pullout of Exxon and Shell from their oil shale exploration. People left their keys in the mailbox and drove away. No high end audio then and none now. I have no local market. It's a joke at Zu. Nobody expects me to make a nickel off of my Zu affiliation except you. So please tell me how my endorsement in this thread can bring the money my way. I've got two boys who will be going to college in the next couple of years. We could damn sure use the funds. Since you see my potential so clearly, clue me in. How can I realize this windfall that you feel I'm cooking up by failing to disclose?