Ugliest Speakers???

I'm sure most of us would never select a speaker solely on appearance but after sonics it probably would be a criteria, as well as size, weight, color etc.
Looking through the November Stereophile I noticed a new speaker on page 21, the Loiminchay. I'm not sure I could live with this one. It may sound great, I don't know but the appearance of the speaker could never cut it for me, definitely not my style.
What's your take on this one? Any other candidates?
Thank you Pcking for that link.

My wife likes the Perfect8 Forces!

God, I love that girl.
Virtually ALL floorstanding speaker (ie boxy speakers) leave everything to be desired vis-à-vis aesthetic appeal.
Those gawd awful Alon speakers with the ugly curve on that panel up top are incredibly ugly. Talon's look like they were designed by someone whose main line of work is designing furniture for Sears. What's wrong with floorstanding boxes? At least form follows function.