Speaker recommendations for NAD

I'd like recommendations for speakers that are well-suited to and compliment the NAD C352 integrated amp and NAD C542 CD player.

Due to severe space restrictions (footprint), they'll need to be bookshelf-size. The'll sit on a long wooden cabinet with the components stacked in the middle. The room has exposed hardwood flooring under a wool area rug.

Music listened to is classical (both orchestral and chamber ensembles), jazz (mostly instrumental, some vocal), prog rock.

Thanks much.
I run an NAD C325BEE with KEF bookshelf speakers, which use a front port, and for a while had my gear set up in a layout very similar to what you describe. They worked great. My listening tastes run much the same as yours, and I find KEF speakers do well where it counts: female vocal and pianos sound spot-on, so just about everything else does, too. A bonus is that because of their Uni-Q driver (the tweeter is mounted in the center of the woofer) they image extremely well even with non-ideal placement. I find them a bit less forward than Epos and B&W, and I like that about them.

Mine are the Q15, an old model, but I've heard newer models higher in the range--excellent. Their iQ3 runs about $500 online and the XQ1 (in a higher tier) runs $800-$1000. The iQ9, though it's a floorstander, has lately gotten some rave reviews, and the bookshelf models are cut from the same cloth. If you can find older KEF Reference series models on Audiogon or elsewhere, they're wonderful.
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Paradigm Studio 20 v.3, front ported should sound good. I had a pair of Studio 40 v.3's with NAD. It was a good match for the price point. You should easily find a pair used within your budget.
Regarding the C325BEE vs the C352: though I own the C325BEE and don't listen particularly loud, I've owned more powerful amps (100 watt Jolida and Marantz) and know what I'm missing in terms of headroom and, to some extent, low end frequency extension. The C325BEE keeps up pretty well, but its bass is lacking. Unfortunately I wasn't able to audition the C352, but I understand it does have a bit more oomph and that its sound is a bit more neutral than the C325BEE, which has some (largely pleasing) coloration (previous NAD amps I've owned suggest this assessment of the 352 is probably true). Mine was a budgetary call, and I do think NADs are a strong value no matter how you cut it. If you can swing the C352, it might be the more lasting value.
First, whatever speakers you choose, isolate them from the wooden cabinet with Bluetack or some other material/method. I would also isolate your amp and especially your source from the cabinet to keep vibrations from the speakers from fowling the signal upstream. Many posts on this subject can be found on Audiogon, but sorbothane dots are a cheap and unobtrusive place to start.

I would consider these speakers to go with your amp and CD combo:

B&W 685 and CM1
Era Design 5
Quad 12L (cousins of the Wharfdales but better in every way)
Dynaudio 42
Dali Icon 2

Wharfdales are nice and the new generation of Diamonds are much better than the very decent 8's which I own. But they are vinyl and I assume that you are looking for something that doesn't embarrass your cabinet and room while mating well with NAD stuff and sounding like music. Each of these speakers sound like music, have their own personality, and could be used close to a back wall if necessary. Each should be driven OK or well by the 352 depending on the size of your room. Try em.