Jim, :-) I suspect that you looked at the tube datasheets either with an iPad or some such device having a very small screen, or without putting your glasses on :-)
The two tube types have identical pinouts for their filaments (pins 4 and 5, with the center tap on pin 9).
02-10-15: Almarg
You are absolutely correct, my bad. LOL, I wish I could blame my mistake on looking at a small screen but I cannot. I am dumbfounded for an explanation. I will just have to blame it on a brain fart moment.
Pin 1: Plate (Section no. 2)
Pin 2: Grid (Section no. 2)
Pin 3: Cathode (section no. 2)
Pin 4: Heater
Pin 5: Heater
Pin 6: Plate (Section no. 1)
Pin 7: Grid (Section no. 1)
Pin 8: Cathode (Section no. 1)
Pin 9: Heater Center-Tap
Pin 1 Plate, unit 2
Pin 2 Cathode, unit 2
Pin 3 Grid, unit 2
Pin 4 Heater
Pin 5 Heater
Pin 6 Grid, unit 1
Pin 7 Cathode, unit 1
Pin 8 Plate, unit 1
Pin 9 Heater center-Tap