Motorboating after tube change

I posted this on Audioasylum tubes, but I'd like to increase the knowledge base, so here I am.

I own an Aikido preamp that was built for me in 2007. Since I don't use it that much, I haven't replace the tubes till now. After I changed them out, there was clearly audible motorboating emanating from both speakers. I returned each old tube to the unit but the motorboating didn't stop. The only screwup was that when initially replacing the tubes, I accidentally installed a 5751 into the spot for a 5755.

Any ideas?


Thanks for all the responses. It's apparent to me that the fix is beyond my capabilities. Therefore, it's going in for repair. It'll take a while for an answer since the unit needs to be shipped. I will post the results of that repair here when I get it back.

Again, thanks for all the responses. I truly appreciate the information that everyone offered.

From what I saw from pin locations there could be some protection involved and maybe some resistor is blown that provides voltage drop for the offset.