N802 + Velodyne DD-18???

I'm planning to buy Velo DD-18 or DD-15. Did anyone try this combo? Is DD-18 worth 1k$ over DD-15???
The 802's only go down solid into the 30hz range.. a subwoofer is an excellent addition, plus this lets you put the 802's where they sound best and the sub where it sounds best! I used to own an F1800XR Velodyne 18" sub and went down to a DD15 and was disappointed (it hit harder but but didn't work as well with music)..... I would definitely spring for the DD18 unless you think later you could go for a Dual DD15 sub setup which really helps out the acoustics.

Otherwise a JL Fathom F13 works quite amazing... compared to both DD15 and DD18, except the room correction is better on the Velodyne.

Oh yeah drop a 25lb bag of #7 lead shot onto of the velodyne and be prepared to be amazed. Isolating the sub on Aurio Pro's, Sistrum stands, or Auralex sub isolator will also enhance your experience.
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I had the same quandary with my 805’s and whether to get the DD12 or DD15. It all boils down to room size. As it turned out the DD12 was more than sufficient for a 16 x 25 room with 12’ cathedral ceilings.
My room is 15x21ft and my sweet spot is 11ft from speakers which are 9ft apart and 3ft from front wall. I have some bad modes on listening position (-10dB@50Hz / -4dB@80Hz) and other frequencies are pretty flat down to 25Hz. Yes, I tried move speakers around as well with N801D. Reverberation time is good within whole bas range (1.2sec) and I experiment with some absorbers. Still I think I need Velodyne!
I use a JL f113 with my 802Ds and, while it really does nice things when required, it is very rarely required.
