Krell should be ashamed of themselves "IF" they are telling someone to install a 30 amp breaker when their equipment is designed and manufactured using a 15 or 20 IEC inlet connector connected to a NEMA rated 125V 15 or 20 amp plug by a cord that is designed to plug into a 15 or 20 amp NEMA rated 15 or 20 amp receptacle. Per code two or more 15 amp receptacles can be connected to a 20 amp branch circuit. To be a 20 amp branch circuit the breaker handle rating is 20 amps. Minimum wire size, #12 AWG. If a NEMA 20 amp receptacle is used the branch circuit must be a 20 amp, period. 20 amp breaker....
IF the Krell amp's FLA is 12 amps or less per UL,NEC,CSA, a NEMA rated 125V 5-15P amp plug can be used to power the amp. If over 12 amps but less than 16 amps a 20 amp NEMA rated 5-20P plug must be used.
If Krell equipment is UL listed I suggest they ask UL if it is ok to tell their consumers that for their amp to operated at its' best, as designed, the customer needs to change out the 20 amp branch circuit breaker in the electrical panel to a 30 amp. Doesn't matter if it is in violation of the local governing body electrical safety codes, UL, or NEC code.
Also it should be said in some states a company can be held libel in a court of law for injury or loss of life or property damage if it is proven they knowingly knew information they were giving to the buying consumer of their product violated electrical safety codes and or accepted electrical safety standards.
Disclaimer. I do not know if Krell is indeed telling customers to use a 30 amp breaker to feed the amp mentioned in this thread. If they are, they are grossly ignorant of accepted safety electrical standards.
IF the Krell amp's FLA is 12 amps or less per UL,NEC,CSA, a NEMA rated 125V 5-15P amp plug can be used to power the amp. If over 12 amps but less than 16 amps a 20 amp NEMA rated 5-20P plug must be used.
If Krell equipment is UL listed I suggest they ask UL if it is ok to tell their consumers that for their amp to operated at its' best, as designed, the customer needs to change out the 20 amp branch circuit breaker in the electrical panel to a 30 amp. Doesn't matter if it is in violation of the local governing body electrical safety codes, UL, or NEC code.
Also it should be said in some states a company can be held libel in a court of law for injury or loss of life or property damage if it is proven they knowingly knew information they were giving to the buying consumer of their product violated electrical safety codes and or accepted electrical safety standards.
Disclaimer. I do not know if Krell is indeed telling customers to use a 30 amp breaker to feed the amp mentioned in this thread. If they are, they are grossly ignorant of accepted safety electrical standards.