maggie 1.6 mods

has anyone perfomed any mods on their 1.6 maggies....eliminate fuses, change crossover, buy or make stands etc.. if so what have been the results?
Just eliminating the fuse made a drastic improvement. Never tried the stands with my maggies. I think their are some high grade fuses available on the market now. This maybe a safer way to hear the differences. I've never used them in the maggies though.

I did however rebuild the crossovers. This also made a noticeable improvement.
The upgraded parts were so much larger,I had to make them outboard crossovers.

You can go to audioasylum and find plenty of info in the panel section about modifications.
This link will keep you busy for days...

Then try this one:
Thank you GMood1 and Mofimadness!!!Looked up some mods on the Audioasylum threads and just finished bypassing the fuse and connection plate on my maggies..wire to wire now and the maggies are breathing so much easier...a very significant amount of glare, constriction and edginess are gone and the soundstage has way better depth..etc..etc..the improvement was obvious even to my non audiophile girlfriend.