A well regarded equipment manufacturer told me having everything on the same line is optimum. I suspect this is related to the ground loop considerations Al posted.
This has nothing to do with ground loops which are an entirely separate matter (FWIW, if your equipment is properly designed, ground loops should never be a problem).
The concern with different lines is that one might be on one side of the incoming AC power into the house, the other might be on the other. Sometimes you can have leakage problems caused by the two lines being of slightly different phase (or a lot different phase if taken off of a 3-phase circuit). Sometimes this can result in hum. If the equipment is properly designed though this should be a minor concern.
IOW two different lines off of the same side of the incoming AC line (which is 240 Volts in the US and then gets split into 2 halves each 120Volts...) eliminates that concern. If your equipment is prone to ground loops that can still happen though...