I think that are differents speakers, the Isis need a lot of power and better tubes as CAT, VAC than SS, except for FM acoustics, Vitus, Soulution, Boulder.The system became EXPENSIVE.
MBL needs a lot of power but as is more organic can work with more SS amplifiers.ALSO a very EXPENSIVE system, because the amplifiers tsill are more powerful than for the ISIS.
Pioneer and Hansen are more easy to drive, you need less power, and you can use both tubes and SS, smallers amplifiers, these speakers let you to have a less expensive system, you can change more often the electronics..
If you don´t like what you says as "thin sound " better to use Pioneer, MBL and a little less Hansen.I´m not saying that ISIS don´t have a excellent sound, I owned one Eidolon and I have a great memory of them, for me I can close the eyes and be happy with any of these four speakers, but the cost of electronics is very important for me to feel free to change them.