Thank you - and I am glad to be here. If ever I can help with answers or whatever, please don't hesitate to ask. Oh...and if I ever come across as a little too "enthusiastic," please don't shy away from letting me know. In defense though, it's hard to be humble when you're so good. :-) Ha - just kidding. Actually, the truth be told, it's hard to be quiet when you have a big mouth!
Thanks for correcting me. I just hate "HYPE" so much that I go off at the mere suggestion of it. I'm pretty "hard-core" when it comes to engineering and base everything I do on science. Just ask some of our customers. I had a real hard time accepting that wires & cables can make a significant difference. Even after I heard it for myself I couldn't reconcile the fact until I had a theory to explain what's going on with them.
This attitude originates from my years working at Crown International and being mentored by guys like the renowned Gerald Stanley. He's a genius par excellence that lives and breathes the science behind everything he does. We're talking the guy that built the world's first high power solid-state audio amplifier...the DC300... as his Master's Thesis Project - geesh. Many of those original units are still in service to this day. It's pretty hard to come away from such an experience without being deeply "indoctrinated" in the science of things.
So... Please excuse my zealousness on the subject. I'll be quiet now and go away.
Have fun guys!