We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors

I just have to point out that I am one of the first recipients of the new Model SPTECH Mini speakers. To call these 40 pound each beautiful finished loudspeakers Minis is an OxyMoron. They actually cross over at 800hz so most pf the midrange is handled by one driver! But I have to tell you that after only 5 hours of use, these speakers can beat just about anything on the market today. In some ways, there really isn't anything that at much much higher prices can sound as good as the trade offs begin piling up. I exposed them to some ungodly power barrage usinga 1000wpc amplifier and they did not even blink. The sound coming out are what I call the epitome of a speaker design in that they sound both life like and musical at the same time. This is no small feat. Instruments are so well defined that the umpteen speakers I have owned can't hold a candle to them. Bob the designer and engineer is a terrific guy and very knowledgeable. These speakers destroy anything in their range and most audiophiles would be well served to try and listen to these or anything in the line above the Minis I assume. I just had to pass this on, because I am one of the lucky owners. I want to point out that I have zero affiliation with SP, but am in love wit this product. I believe you can buy them on Audiogon? They are worth several times the current asking price. Don't take my word, try and hear for yourself! There is several review on the net and what I had noticed is that none of them had anything negative to say about this line.
Well, as promised I am writing this follow up at approx 200 hours. Although SP Tech has finally hit the main stream and risen from the underground forum at AudioCirle. I see that Sp Tech is now advertising on Audiogon, and this gives a larger audience the ability to hear these modern day wonders. The Minis that I own are the bottom of the line. And let me say that they are on the top of all speakers that I have owned IMHO. They are the most non-speaker speaker I have heard. The only thing that comes out of their enclosure is music natural and pure as anything that you will hear in the marketplace. I live in Florida and would love to work for SP Tech in Indiana if I could. My wife still warns me not to sell them and I still have no urge as they are my new reference.
so , for a long time keeping, timepiece mini or timepiece 3.0?
is the only difference is in the 30Hz vs 40Hz only?
and do you know if it's still 2 month delay to grab one of these?

The wait will most likely be longer than 2 months, but hopefully good things will come to those who wait.

thank for the reply , but i think i will wait until a bigger production will come
with some units in stock.. 3 or 4 month is too long for my nerve..

If I were you, I'd get my order in while the gettin's good. I get the feeling that the prices are going to jump, and you may be waiting even longer because I don't think production is going to ramp up anytime soon with dealers getting very much in the way of "stock".