Very inexpensive speakers for a 2nd system

I'm looking at building a secondary system in an upstairs sitting room. This would be for casual listening, entertaining, and music during dinner. I'm reasonably certain this will be built around a Jolida 1301a hybrid integrated amplifier (30wpc). Jolida recommended an 89dB minimum sensitivity for this system.

I can consider slim floor standers or bookshelf speakers. No subs per the WAF. We aren't looking to shake the room, but some reasonable bass would be nice. Looking to spend less than $400 (used or new).

I've been looking at:
Monitor Audio BR2, B4, or BR5
Epos ELS-3
PSB Alpha
Something from Paradigm

Any suggestions here?
Second castle richmonds...great little brit speaker..very close to SPendor type of sound...around 2-3 bills used...much better than entry paradigm or monitor IMHO...
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Usher S520 is the one to beat at $300 range. Very detail, smooth, and creates a big sound stage. They are power hungry, don't hook them up to a 30 wpc receiver as they are truly audiophile speakers that demand good upstream.
Might look into the smaller 700 series JM Lab speakers. I have a pair of JM Lab 714S speakers paired with a McIntoch receiver in our family room and they sound great - especially once I got them positioned and installed the spikes.