Harbeth M30 -

I currently own a pair of M30's driven by a McCormack DNA-125/MAP-1 combo, source being a UDP-1 Deluxe. The latter components were recent purchase (dare I say it, recent upgradess). It is a very nice musical combination, with great mid-bass and wonderful vocals (I listen to jazz, opera/classical and rock). Also, there is decent low end punch that is well defined

The Question:
Those who currently own Harbeths (esp. the M30) or have recently owned and upgraded, what is the next logical upgrade path? What was your next speaker choice and the underlying reasons for that decision.

My Choices
I am considering another (better?) monitor with fuller bass extension or, a full range of modest size as my room dimensions are not large. Price range, up to 4k used. Speakers I am considering,:
- older pair of Dynuadio Confidence 3,
- Totem Manis' II,
- Opera or Sonus faber (Cremona Auditor),
- Gallo 3.0 or 3.1's or,
- Verity Audio Tamino.
- Spendor SP100 or 9e

This above list is by no means exhaustive, just some of my initial thoughts.

Any further feedback or thoughts would be highly welcome.
Thank you in advance!
I'm about to sell my Gallo Reference 3.1's for a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES-3's. The Gallo's are nice, but I find myself listening to the speaker's attention-grabbing characteristics rather than getting lost in the music.
The Harbeth 30 and the Cremona Auditors (and possibly the Silverline 17.5) are also on my upgrade short list. About the same cost if one shops carefully on the used market. Unfortunately, I live in rural northern California and would have to drive 150 miles to hear any of these. That makes me grateful for the expert opinions of fellow A-goners in these forums. However, the Laurel Pacific Audio web site has great information and reviews highlighting the differences between the various Harbeth speakers. As mentioned already, room size may be the key factor. And for my small room nearfield set up, the Monitor 30s would be my first choice. At the risk of poor A-gon forum etiquette, IF you do decide to upgrade, I would be interested in purchasing your 30's. In any event, It's pretty darned exciting, this quest for our personal sonic nirvanna, and I not only wish you well, I look forward to your next post.
Once you have owned either Harbeth or Spendor, it becomes very hard to change brands. I hate to use the term- but they are musical. Heard many very linear boring speakers at the RMAF. Heard many people auditioning speakers with bird chirps and tap dancing. I really prefer music.
Have both the Harbeth 7es2 and the Spendor Sp100s. Have auditioned the Harbeth m30s many times.
The Harbeths will tend to bottom out under pressure while Spendors will hang in there. Have a slightly different sound, catering to slightly different tastes. The Harbeth has that recessed LS3/5a euphonic midrange while the Spendor is a little flatter.
Heard the M40s at the RMAF and they are superb. Definitely an upgrade over the SP100s in the bottom end and can also play loud.
AS I've stated the midrange is your preference area.
Have heard all the other speakers on your list and they are all a downgrade from what you have. Rel subs are a very good option also.
Thank you for your responses. I appreciate the opinions expressed, admittedly I had not seriously considered the influence of room acoustics.

I should clarify the dimensions of my modest living room as 11 feet by 17 feet. The Harbeths are at least 3 feet from the rear walls and about about 1 foot in.

The are not bi-wired as seems to be the general consensus on preference from other owners (and I believe Alan Shaw himself). For cabling I decided to use Cardas neutral references, not having experimented much there (just looking for a neutral cable with minimal sonic imprint).

Also, I tend not play music too loud, my wife often set the dB limits of the household (probably correctly so). Importantly, I find that the M30's sound equally as good at low levels. This is also an important consideration.