Recommend Me Some Speakers

I've recently purchased my first amp/preamp rig, A Rotel RC-1070 and an RB-1050. I have a small bedroom, approximately 15'x10'. I'm in the budget range of $400-600USD. My music tastes are jazz, classical piano, violin, classic rock- well, I pretty much like all music. Thanks in advance.
Vandersteen 1C works very well with those Rotels, a good match and excellent value for fairly full-range speakers.
Avoid the Magnepans at all costs. They require too much placement variation and are picky about what drives them. They also have a small "sweet area" and can sound like a transistor radio if you are walking around the the room. Maggies are for people with dedicated listening rooms and the ability to try different amps. Sounds like you just want to hear good music.

Epos and PSB make good models you can find used in your price range. The Dynaudio Focus 110 is also a great speaker at about $800.00 used. Quite good looking, too.
I second the NHT's. If you go used on the classifieds here, you will be able to get a very nice pair of NHT speakers that will sound very good with Rotel equipment.