Need Speakers at least 4 feet high

Very disturbing what wives can do - first it was move them closer to the wall - did so, at significant cost of soundstaging and imaging - next, I come home and there is that huge, upholstered chair that she is crazy about, the size of the Whire House, completely obscuring the speaker! "What's the problem"? She asks, get higher speakers, then!!" So, I need your help. To do just that. I cant even see the right speaker now. The house-sized chair is planted right in front of the right speaker! Her revenge.
Budget - about $10-12K, must have coherence of Kharma 3.2 Enigmas, which they will replace. (And which some lucky soul with a kinder wife can buy:) Must image 2 ft from front wall, 8 ft apart, room size, 23' X 16 ft X high A type ceiling. System: EMM CDSD/DCC2, Sota Cosmos V, EAR 324, AS MP-1, AS MA 2.2,(200 WPC, Class A, OTL - likes 8 ohm inpedance) PAD Dominus S/C.
This is a serious request of y'all, so please, despite your suggestions of dumping the chair and the wife, let me know if there are any speakers out there that I should look at.
Why would you want to spend that kind of money for medicore to poor performsnce at best due to placement, and you already have your own music room...why is this?
Speakers I heard that fits the height criteria and ability to soundstage while placed close to wall is Epiphany Audio 12-12. This is also close to the stated budget.

I have heard the Epiphany with front baffle at 2-3ft from the front wall in a small room. To my suprise, they conjured up a deep soundstage and sounded very good. They can be driven with lower power amp but with MA2, they should be world class. Would also consider other array speaker (gradient & others) and dynaudio.
Denis- How about some of the line source array speakers that are getting some serious promotion here on audiogon? Maybe they even have an in-home audition policy. If so, let me know, I'm dying to hear them. And chill out everyone!!! Seems like everyone needs to get back on their happy pills!!!
Chadnliz asks a good question. I can't understand the point of your search either.
Chadnliz and Timrhu, I cannot help you, since the request seems perfectly clear to me and to the other 23 respondents. I repeat the question: Suggest a tall, coherent speaker of comparable "quality" to the Kharma 3.2 FE that can work/image/soundstage 2 ft from the front wall. If this is not something you can answer, feel free to abstain. The fact that I choose to have 2 systems in my home should not cause you angst or confusion or any undue stress. But thanks for reading the thread, anyway.