Need Speakers at least 4 feet high

Very disturbing what wives can do - first it was move them closer to the wall - did so, at significant cost of soundstaging and imaging - next, I come home and there is that huge, upholstered chair that she is crazy about, the size of the Whire House, completely obscuring the speaker! "What's the problem"? She asks, get higher speakers, then!!" So, I need your help. To do just that. I cant even see the right speaker now. The house-sized chair is planted right in front of the right speaker! Her revenge.
Budget - about $10-12K, must have coherence of Kharma 3.2 Enigmas, which they will replace. (And which some lucky soul with a kinder wife can buy:) Must image 2 ft from front wall, 8 ft apart, room size, 23' X 16 ft X high A type ceiling. System: EMM CDSD/DCC2, Sota Cosmos V, EAR 324, AS MP-1, AS MA 2.2,(200 WPC, Class A, OTL - likes 8 ohm inpedance) PAD Dominus S/C.
This is a serious request of y'all, so please, despite your suggestions of dumping the chair and the wife, let me know if there are any speakers out there that I should look at.
Thanks for the suggestions, Gordon and Mike. I am researching the Epiphany's - need a sub, though? What others, Mike?
Meantime, I have written to Timbernation about platforms.
wilson makes a couple of speaker taller than that and I've heard they sound great not sure the price new or used but check the wilson site for the partiular ones tall enough.
good luck, I have to keep my wife out of the basement in order to maintain what I want down there. The rest of the house is hers
Your request is perfectly clear but Chad's point is valid. You can have 15 systems in your house without causing me any stress. I was just curious. BTW only half of the 23 responders gave advice you were looking for. Good luck with our search.
>>Why would you want to spend that kind of money for medicore to poor performsnce at best due to placement, and you already have your own music room...why is this?<<

I'll satisfy your curiosity, if I can, Timrhu/Chadnlz:

(1) What kind of money? The money that was already spent on the system before the chair? The money I preume you mean would be the money obtained by selling the existing speakers - that is what they are worth used. So there is no extra expenditure. Or do you mean why did I spend the money in the first place? To get a superb system, which it is when the chair isnt there.
(2) Why do I have a second system? Because my wife and I share the Family room and she likes music, too. I play different music in my dedicated room at about 25 db louder, near-field. She likes classics only, I like it all.
Feel free to ask away if this remains unclear.
Sure would like to see a picture of this situation. I second the Dynaudio's as a tall drink of water.

So... if you get some gigantic speakers, is your wife going to be cool with that?