Clement Perry's new reference speaker

I just got finished reading on the Stereo Times website a review of the Sunny Cable Magistic reference speaker by Clement Perry who is the publisher/founder of this website.

These speakers retail for $90000.00 a pair, they are a horn based speaker design. Mr Clement's reference was the highly regarded Dali Megaliners, untill he tried these in his home system.

I have never anywere read or talked to anyone who has ever heard Sunny Cables wires and speakers, only on the Stereo Times were they are quite impressed by this line of wires and now this reference speaker.

So, my question to you GON members, have any of you ever listened or auditioned Sunny Cable wires or their line of speakers, if so thanks for sharing
They appear to be the H3W12, these are the ones I listened to at RMAF, I spent over an hour with these and they were very enjoyable. Hard for me to view these as bright or fuzzy. With all speakers and components; setup and room asthetics play a major role IMHO. I believe listening to a speaker in your own setting is most critical. FWIW, All I know is what I remember at RMAF.
I agree, that audition should take place in your own home (listening room). Usually, all speakers will sound better
in your (or my) room then some ballroom at CES or RMAF.
Dealers, manufactures when preparing for these shows rush through set up and calibration which often leads to sound that is less then perfect. Great products turns out (here) questionable and controversial. Sad but truth.

"Hard for me to view these as bright or fuzzy"

I have never said that they are bright or fuzzy.
What I said was that sound was OK but not GREAT.
Which is quite disappointing.
If you are interested in these speakers, don't pay attention what I or others have to say - just try them if you can.
Im sure you know, it's sometimes very difficult to make arrangements to audition certain products in our homes. We have to sometimes trust opinions and the written reviews of others, this is why I am seeking bits and pieces of information on these threads.

I know you did not say they were bright and distorted, someone else made that comment.
I wish that I could be helpful, but I don't know how.
I hate to see fellow audiophiles spend huge amount of money on something they will regret latter. I just hope that you gone make the right choice - whatever it might be.

I have NOTHING against Sunny or C.Perry but if I was prepared to spend that kind of money on speakers...........they do better be the Best there is at least to my ears.

If you ask me:
would you get it if you had the money......I just don't know. I would do my best to give them a fair shot but at this moment......I have to say no.

(It is my opinion ONLY, your ears might hear differently)
AudioGon Members,

A forum member sent me this post, so I felt compelled to respond.

Here goes...

Attempting to make sense of anything heard at shows i.e., CES or HE Shows is like trying to catch boomerrangs blind-folded. At the very least, from a manufacturers standpoint, they only can HOPE to get a good sounding room. From a potential purchasers standpoint, we can only PRAY whatever it is that interests us can be duplicated or bettered in our own listening spaces.

This is the sole reason why you should judge everything for yourself and never take any review or reviewer too seriously. With the exception, that is, you had the rare opportunity to know a reviewer personally, and/or, have visited their home, heard their systems and thus gained a trust in their ability to judge components.

I've heard the Shatki Hallographs blow me away at a show and did nothing of the sort when I got them home (but when I installed the second pair behind my listening seat things got very fascinating). Contrarily, I had the Acoustic Resonators do nothing at a show, yet they blew me away when I got them in my listening room. Go figure!

The BIG advantage reviewers have is they get a chance to audition products IN THEIR HOMES first to let you know what it is they think. I do things a little differently: I invite the masses over to hear what it is they think collectively.

As I wrote in the review of the Sunny loudspeakers, what I heard in 2007, using my own CDs of course really surprised me via the Sunny Cable Majestic loudspeakers. Considering how sparse the room was with no tweaks or acoustic treatments, I found it rather strange ANYTHING could sound good in a room so acoustically challenged. It wasn't perfect, but it had something there I've heard horn lovers refer to over and over as "alive." It also didn't hurt that I had experienced a horn system in France the proved the finest listening experience I've had.

Ultimately, there were certain things I heard in the Sunny room that had me second guessing my home rig. I've traveled the world over listening for the right sonics and synergy and rarely if ever have I second guessed myself or my home rig ...especially there in the Sunny room under show conditions.

That being said, I still refused the except the Sunny loudspeakers for review because of their humongous weight and because the Dali Megalines are sonic wonders on their own. I did however accept two of their new 250 lbs subwoofers, which (eventually with some fine tuning) easily outperformed the pair of Talon Thunderbirds they replaced (I was previously using subwoofers with the Dali Megalines, though I hear that some folks don't find it necessary. In my opinion, that's the Dali's achilles' heel).

After lengthy conversations with Sunny Lo, the designer behind the Sunny Majestics, that lasted for nearly 7 months, it made sense to finally give the Majestics a try and as I wrote, what I "got" far outweighed anything sonically I could have ever anticipated.

There's something frighteningly "real" about the sound of horns when done right. And I'll be the first to admit, I've never heard one done right. If it had it in the mids, it was wrong in the bass... and vise versa.

The Sunny Majestic is the first loudspeaker I've heard that can be considered a hybrid horn/dynamic design that does the best that can be expected from each driver. At 800 lbs per side, it's single 400 lbs horn cabinet weighs nearly as much as a pair of Dali Megaliens. Coupled to its 400 lbs woofer cabinet gives it a certain substance that is quite remarkable after hearing it.

No loudspeaker can play itself. It needs a source, wire and amplification. The Nova Physics Memory Player and the Behold line of electronics are in my opinon among the best available at what they these ears (and as more folks get the chance to hear the MP, the more agree with its sonic capabilities). Ditto the Sunny Cables and Bybee Super Effect products.

The Sunny Cable Majestic loudspeaker has proven to be the sonic equivalent on the loudspeaker end.

All I can say is there's plenty of musicians, high-end manufacturers and importers and especially music lovers that pass through here often (make that very often with the addition of my neighbor The Audio Doctor). Of these, NONE has found the sound of the Sunny Majestics less than spectacular. And of these, there were one or two that surprisingly still preferred the sound of the Dali's as a personal preference. But those who love the Majestics said their qualities put them in an entirely different and sonically superior class. And that number was in the many, many dozens (and of course, I include myself in that count). Living in an imperfect world, I would suspect a vote of 45 to 3 says a lot about the Sunny Majestic's qualities (and that's only after 4 months).

Bottom line is, I am quite down to earth and don't review equipment from some far away hideaway. I'm very easy to get in touch with and I'm located right here in downtown Jersey City, NJ (five minutes from Manhattan). I'm quite poplular around these parts with the systems I've amassed over the past 15 or so years and my association to The Stereo Times. At the same time, I don't hesitate letting anyone in to listen that wouldn't mind spending a lazy afternoon enjoying some great traditional jazz music (another passion) or whatever else suits their fancy. And because of this I get the opportunity to see what type of sound appeals to the masses both musically and sonically. Trust me when I say I've dozens here every Friday night for music sessions that has been a tradition here for the past 8 or 9 years. So, when I say many industry folks pass through, trust me. And 95 percent of these stated with the addition of the Sunny Majestic loudspeakers, I've crossed into another dimension that is clearly superior to what I had previously.

That doesn't mean that $90k is a bargain, but based on what I've heard over the years and what that loudspeaker system in France cost ($275k), I personally consider the Sunny Cable Majestic loudspeakers as state of the art and a tremendous product worthy of only the highest praise. I don't want to put myself into a box, (no pun intended) but after hearing a horn sound this good, it will be very tough to return back to anything else except a better sounding horn.

Clement Perry