I am interested in upgrading my late 80's system?

I have been trying to find review on my Onyko Tx 822 and B and W DM 110 speakers, are either one worth keeping? They work for me, but would like to do a upgrade. Advise?
I had a pair of those speakers, I used them with a Luxman receiver for power....years ago! I did like them.

How much do you plan to invest in this "upgrade"?....It's pretty useless to give advice, with no budget in the picture.

This is my first time on the list so I see how little information I supplied. My thinking is to replace my amp first? (guess that is correct) and then speakers. I am very confused by the reviews and since I live in a rural area we have to drive over 3 hours to find a dealer and then I am at their mercy. I listen to classical, Nora Jones,and mild rock. I am past middle age and my budget is around $2,000 total, less if possible. I do appreciate your kind responses and help. I have been away from the game too long to be current.
I would think you might want to consider an integrated tube amp and a pair of single driver speakers. They would be wonderful for the type of music you listen. Also, do you listen to LPs and/or CDs? CD players have improved quite a bit over the last 20 years so replacing your current player should be considered. If you play LPs, you need to be aware that a lot of preamps/integrated amps do not have a built-in phono preamp.
I would think that, given your listening preferences, you could make a significant upgrade for your budget. A simple system of a Rega integrated amp and Rega CD player, coupled with some monitors from someone like Dynaudio, Revel (M12s) or ProAc, while it wouldn't blow you out of your seat, would be very musical. That could be had used for less than $2K, including some decent but modest wires. Another speaker option would be something like the smallest Vandersteens if you're more into a floorstander. Happy Listening!