Subwoofer for Harbeth M30?

Has anyone had any success integrating a subwoofer with these speakers?
Your best bet for music would be a larger REL.Cheaper would be a Vandersteen 2wQ.A Martin Logan would be good also.All are multiple driver subs which rather than one large 12-18" sub which are good for HT these rare faster and more pith acurate.The one hat is closest tom conventional good sub like Velodyne.If you can spend $2500 plus the new DD Velodynes are good but pricey.One obscure but very good music sub is he TBI Maggelan.They are single driver but unique in that though you can't localize bass below 150Hrz having two subs has adavantages.The Magellan's can be gotten powered but also passive and then mated with a singe amp/x-over unit they make.You can get one one than another and when you do since they are hooked up parallel you get higher output from both.Great review at is a great time to get a sub since you can latte add a Velodyne DSP/Remote unit which comes from their DD series (which let's yu do settings hooked up on you TV's display).Sells for $700 if I remember correctly.So you can get right sub for such a fine speaker and also get room correction added latter.
Hi Chazzbo, Thanks for the advice. I guess that this is going to require some playing around, isn't it?
Hi Kensetsu, I saw your same question on another thread--it is the last comment on the "Harbeth M30" thread I responded to that as well. I basically had the same question you had about 5 months ago. I know you are asking about the M30. I have the C7 es3s. I am on a budget so when it came to choosing between the two I went with the C7s and by no means did I ever feel I had to settle, both are excellent speakers. I wanted to add a sub; even though some think it heretical or difficult to do, I wanted to see if it would work. I auditioned some RELs and Velodyns but my budget minded self had to find a better fit for the wallet. I eventually went with an HSU sub (Vtf 2 Mk III). This sub, IMHO, competes with some of the more pricey competitors and can playback all the way down to 16Hz, and does it well. It took me some time and lots of patience to get the speakers and sub integrated and balanced but I finally got it right. I had to play A LOT with positioning as well as tweaking the volume and crossover. Using the speaker level inputs, I finally ended up placing crossover at around 46Hz and the volume at around 1 (lower than I thought I would need). I really like what I am hearing and enjoy it immensely. I listen to a lot of classical music; large and small ensemble. Even with my classic rock collection I was able to find a good balance. And the cool thing is I don’t have to change the volume or crossover for each genre of music. The soundstage really opens up and the music has a more firm foundation. And those bass drum hits really sound realistic. The lower limits to the M30 are just a tad above the C7 and I believe it is possible to get a great result with lots of experimentation and patience with the M30 and a sub. I really wanted to get a REL but the HSU is doing the job wonderfully. Half the fun in this new hobby I’ve found is the playin’ around and tweaking. Have fun and good luck!
I just hooked up an Essex sub this afternoon for use with my Harbeth M30's. I haven't figured out how to get it integrated with the M30's yet, but I'm having fun trying. It clearly will add something. As Uomaragno says, however, it will clearly take some listening and tweaking. I agree with Uomaragno that it will add positive things to the bottom part of the soundstage, based upon what I am hearing. (I, too, listen to a lot of classical music.)