"mini" monitors for Primaluna prologue two

Now that I've decided, and anxiously waiting for arrival, on the Primaluna Prologue two, the search for speakers is underway. I'm putting together a system piece by piece. Amp, speakers, tt, cdp. In that order. I'm looking at stand mount monitors. Something along the lines of Proac 110's, Totem model 1 signatures, etc.

Any suggestions for this amp?
Don't overlook the Silverline Minuets. They have gotten great reviews and I heard a stacked (horizontally) pair at Silverline and was greatly impressed. If I was in the market these would be my 1st choice. $600 retail. Not a lot of money spent on the cabinet, but the sound is great.
I suggest looking for a used pair of ProAc 1sc's. They will 'sing' with tubes, as mine do. I run them from VAS mono blocks. I also have run them from the Cayin 88. In addition to the 1sc's, I have ProAc 140's, a floor stander. Both of the amps sound sweet. Much of the design of the VAS and Cayin products is the same as the Prima's.
Proac 1sc's are on the list as well. I keep reading the Dynaudio's are hard to drive. Any real world truth to that? I like what I've read about the focus 140's.
The Dynaudios are 4ohm speakers. As said above, efficiency is relevant here. Those ProAc's and Reference Da Capo's sound like very good candidates to me, as does the Omega.