Vintage Mcintosh Speakers - your thoughts?

I am thinking of puting a vintage system together - possibly atound a Fisher 500 series receiver or other classic gear and am quite enamored of the look/style of vintage McIntosh speakers like the ML-1C. Does anyone have any thoughts/experience with this model or others in the vintage McIntosh lineup? .. and yes I do want to stick with vintage speakers - to my ears they still measure up to many of today's crop .... measurements aside!

Many thanks,


I think that I sold you a pair of Heresys on teh Klipsch Forums. Heresys are great speakers atthat price point.

I bought my Heresys from a friend 20 years ago and sold them to another friend. Then, I moved into Cornwalls for a long time. Sorry, but it definitely wasn't you. However, it's amazing that this friend that sold me the Heresy's has been a friend for 35-40 years, moved to Georgia and I ran into him again a few years ago on audiogon! Small world.
Jaybo, I listened to the Mac speakers using very high-quality (and powerful) amplification. The KEFs, ADSs, and Spendors walked all over them, it was no contest. BTW, this listening was done while I was a salesman for a hi-end audio salon. I had lots of time on my hands during weekdays and I did a LOT of listening...
