speaker to big?

can a speaker actually be to large for a room?
my cuurent listening area is 13x15. my speakers can only go in one spot which is about one and a half feet from the back wall about 6 and a half feet apart. seating is about 7 feet away , 3 ft from the back wall. listen to mostly adult rock and jazz at moderate to sometimes loud levels and am more concerned with resolution and imaging. would a small monitor be prferable over a floorstander or is it just a matter of preference. my amp is a prima luna dialogue if that matters. any suggestions helpful.
You could probably get away with a small floor standing speaker but it would be easier to get really good sound with a monitor where you don't end up fighting with the bass.

You should definitely work on acoustic treatments (broadband traps) for the bass and consider a Parc or Room EQ Wizard. Boomy room modes can really clutter up detail in the bass. A small monitor might indeed be better provided it is a sealed box and rolls off around 60 Hz...in some cases "less is more" as your ears can figure out the reduced bass frequencies from the higher harmonics anyway...whereas bass boom can disguise or hide detail.
In a room that size, you can get away with -3dB at 40Hz pretty easily - especially with some furniture and doorways in the room. There are many floorstanding options with this level of bass output. Your room is close to mine (14x13) and my speakers are 38Hz at -3dB but I have some bass traps in the corners and speaker placement was fairly critical. So anything with a little less bass than that should be fine for your situation.

Most monitors won't have this kind of extension so if you can live with less bass, then they are a fine alternative. I personally feel that solid bass extension is required for high fidelity, but to each his own.

I had a pair of Gallo Ref 3.1's in my room, which is similar in size to yours. I could not get rid of boomy bass caused by standing waves. I sold them and bought a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES-3's. These speakers integrate into my small room much easier than the Gallo's. YMMV...
Two considerations:

Large speakers are usually designed that way to accommodate larger woofers. This may overdrive a smaller room. Also, remember that nearly all speaker cabinets vibrate to some degree, thus they add to the soundfield. The larger the cabinet, the more potential for this.

Second, larger speakers may have drivers spaced further apart and require a more distant listening position to allow them to integrate. Also, in producing more bass, they may need placement further away from the front and side walls, thus requiring a larger room.