Cheapest Sweetest deal you've found

SO...Every once in a while something happens in the audio world that makes audiophiles shut their mouths. They only whisper to their best buddys about the astonishing thing they have found. There were T-amps, and the Optimus Lineaum speakers, what else? What have you found that is a drop dead, shut your mouth steal?
New Virtual Dynamics Power Three Cable - for free, as Virtual Dynamics was having a promotion on their products. Only cost was to pay shipping cost from Canada, which was about $30.
Trends 10.1 integrated for $130 (now $150) is a screaming deal.
The ebay quad active monitors that can be had for less than the passives.

Genesis APM-1s for $1500.00.
Dealer was closing shop.
Had to drive to NM from L.A., but
roadtrip was fun.
From a thrift store- Maggie mg-1's for $80 and Chase tech's remote controlled preamp for $5 at the same place. Also AR reference component and interconnect cables together for $4. All in great shape. There was a Hafler amp for $5 but some geezer got to it first. B&W Matrix 3's for $400. Boston's surround THX for $200. Grado 200's for $80. Those last few weren't as much killers as the first. Dan