crackling noise at high volume

and its not my Rice Crispies ... when I turn it up to 1pm on my Bryston B60, feeding my Totem Arros, it breaks up. This is pretty much the highest volume/decibel level I could possibly push this system to. WHen its medium loud, no problems.

Any ideas who is at fault here?
If they don't seem to sound different you've probably done no damage, but repeating that exercise will surely kill them eventually.
I've done it twice to my own pair of Arro's, fortunatly with no negative long term effects.
In one instance I was driving them too hard, in another I carelessly switched sources with the volume up(I NEVER did that again!)

Here's an interesting article that explain amp power and how it relates to speaker sensitivity.

From just reading it, and putting number in the calulator (included in article), that I'm thinking that because of the Arro's 80 watt max program rating, that you shouldn't be driving these speakers beyond 95 db SPL which is loud for pop music, but not necessarly loud for rock music, no matter what amp you're driving them with.

Btw the numbers I used in the calulator were as followed:

Measured Distance from Listener to Speaker - 2 Meters

Desired Sound Pressure at Listener - 95 db SPL

Speaker Sensitivity Rating (1w/1m) + 5db - 86 db

Desired Amplifier Headroom (3db min) - 4 db

which gave me

Amplifier POWER Needed - 80 Watts

Beyond 95 db SPL you're overdriving what the Arro's stated Max Program Rating is.

A related question: Do overmodulated upper midrange notes always suggest speaker damage? I've got two pair of speakers that I've been swapping in- and out for a few weeks now, and they both make the same rattly / overmodulated distortion when playing certain passages of piano music, especially piano music just above middle-C. I don't think it's the recordings because the sounds don't seem to track across the two sets of speakers -- but it does seem an awfully specific type of dissonance to be mechanical failure of one or more of the drivers. Shouldn't I hear the same distortion with other instruments?
For clarification....Tweeters are pretty tough, so it probably is not the music volume per se that is causing the problem. Most likely it is the TOTAL signal level, including bass which never gets to the tweeter, which is causing your power amplifier to "Clip". Cliping distortion generates a lot of high frequency signal which was never part of the original music signal. Cliping kills tweeters.
Eldartford - Can clipping occur even when the amp's rated power output exceeds the max program rating of the speaker? I thought clipping occurred when the amp "ran out of power" and sent a damaging "flat top" sine wave signal to the speakers. Seems like clipping would be more likely where the amp was "underpowered" relative to the speaker it was driving. Happy to be enlighted on this point if I'm in error.

Sandman 012 - I've used Peter Gabriel's "So" CD and its next to last track (We Do What We're Told) as a helpful diagnostic for a blown tweeter. The opening has some high frequency stuff that will cause a "buzzing" distortion from a damaged tweeter. Need to get your ear in line and close to the tweeter perhaps - but if the tweeter is bad it will be noticeable at moderate sound levels. If you have this CD, worth checking...might relieve some concerns for you if the track plays on your system without breaking up.