Speaker Cables...Opinions....

Will be setting up 2 Plinius SA-102 in bridged/mono to power B&W 802D's. Any suggestions for a good cable match? My preferences lean toward detail and dynamics to feed my rock addiction, both digital and analog but jazz manages some play time as well. Love a good piano player. I am planning to biwire, maybe 2 separate runs per channel. Significant improvement over internal biwire? Plinius has 2 sets of binding posts so I assume this is a plus..... Thanks in advance for any advice.....

Rest of System:
Basis 2001-RB-900-CJ EV1
Theta Jade transport-DCS Delius and Purcell (pre firewire vers.)
CJ 16LSII preamp
Synergistic Research cables...(may change these as well...not thrilled with the
mini-coupler situation)
When you get around to it you will find your digital is dated---I owned those dcs pieces you have 7/8 years ago. Then I bought Audiomeca Enkainthus(dac/only) put lots of money back in my pocket,when I sold the dcs stuff. That was a pretty huge step forward. I have since gone higher up the dig. chain and it gets so much better. A speaker can only sound as good as the source you feed it.
Avguy, I was wondering about possible improvements to my front end. I know these are dated. Glad to hear there is significantly more possible. I was onsidering a one box solution. Maybe esoteric? Although I beleive my transport is still viable so maybe a DAC is the way to go...Thanks
Put the monoblocks behind the speakers, with the rear of the amps facing the speakers. The idea is to get the binding posts on the amps as close as possible to those on the speakers, allowing you to use as little speaker cable as possible. If the binding posts on the speakers are near the ground, you may be able to get away with only a few inches of cable.

I've taken this to the natural end and modified my tube monoblocks so that the output transformer is wired directly to the speaker binding posts. Hence my "speaker cable" is non-existent. The best cable is no cable.....
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I don't see how a manufacturer can specify a minimum and maximum cable length with out knowing anything about the gauge and capacitance.
