Buy a sub or ditch my new speakers altogether?

I recently picked up a pair of B&W 602.5s, brand new, for a song. Turns out to be the wrong song, and it was a final sale. :/

They have loads more midrange and high end detail than my former Allison CD6s, but the Allison's 8" woofers had the B&Ws beat in the low end.

The B&W's lows are boomy and pretty out of control, and when listening to TV at a lower level, there's almost no bass at all. The port plug tightens up the boominess, at the expense of even less bass overall.

So, the question becomes, do I put these brand new B&Ws up for sale, and look for something else, or do I pick up a subwoofer and attempt to salvage the sound? I am quite happy with the 602.5's mids and highs. I find it interesting that many reviews of the next (discontinued) model up, the 603, mention needing a sub, despite having a dedicated 6.5" bass driver.

If I do end up getting a sub, for say $500, I'm then into the current setup for $900. This begs the question, what could be had sans sub, with similar punchy mids and clear highs, but with deep(er) clean(er) bass, in the same price range?

Logic tells me that a 2 mains and a sub beats the low end capabilities of a $1000 speaker with no sub.

Many thanks for any advice.

$500 can get you a pretty hefty sub. B&W orHSU or similar will do the job. Bass will tighten up plus it will relieve a lot of stress on your amp.

How are the speakers with music-they should be awesome. Most systems have trouble with TV sounding muddy or boomy in the bass. It's usually more than just the speakers' fault.

Could be the entire set-up or just one component? What else is in the system/sources?
Thanks for the reply. At the moment I'm running off of a Cambridge Audio 340A integrated, but it's being replaced next week by an Arcam Solo (CD), which should provide a bit more power.

The speakers sound decent with music, just not very much bass detail.

The more I think about it, the more I want to skip the subwoofer and either find a pair of 603s, or pay the piper and move up to 683s. This is what I get for trying to save a buck and rushing in!
I would not dictch the speaker because of a lack of better base response than your older speaker. From your statement about the B&W 602.5s that it betters your Allison in the most important areas such as the mids and top thats where most of where the music is. I would work with moving the speaker out from all walls and a possible change in amp. Now a good sub such as an REL StrataIII or a similar sub of good quality can always be incorporated into your system no matter what speaker you wish to play with in the future. Also a possiblility that good stands such as the sound anchors might extend base response and such stands can be used again with other speakers if you feel the need to change.