Totem Forest or Acoustic Zen Adagio

Any Thoughts on which one of these speakers will work the best with my McIntosh MA6900. I have heard Totems before a few years back, but now that dearler is NADA! When he was there he had both the forest and mani-2 sig's in. I love them both but the forest just sounded a little smoother to me, not to mention cheaper. As for acoustic zen, I don't think I have heard or read anything negative about them, but I live in SC and have no where remotely close to demo. Any comments? BTW, I am considering upgrading to the MAC MA7000 which would add 50 more watts to the mix which probably won't make much difference. Thanks for all your input.

Stay with the 6900 and save money for refinements: room acoustics, interconnects, power cords, power conditioner, or dedicated AC line.
I'm in SC and you're right, it's an Audio wasteland. There are a few enthusiast sprinkled here and there, though I dont know any with Adagio's.

Strange too, I have been considering both Mani-2's and Adagio's for my small two channel system.
Ive owned both...and am currently using the adagio.The pluses on the forests are a very sharp image.The soundstage is wonderfull.(using sim gear)ive found that the metal tweeter was just a little too much for my tastes in music(jazz,ecm).The forests were very imppressive but the frequency extremes bothered me(lots of bass,hf).The adagios are much more relaxed and musical...not that the forests arent,adagios are just right sounding..more matured sound,not so in your face.Both are excellent,but the adagios are staying in system for awhile!(imho).
Both are very good for the buck. Depends on your taste in sound. Take a look at Abosolute sound article on the Adagio june/july 2006. I heard them at 2007 Rocky Mountain Audio festival. They were sold the first day there. They were matched with Halcro gear. Very good sound. The second day there, Robert Lee set up the larger version of the adagios. Same thing, very very good sound however a little over powering for the size of room. Maybe a tweek or 2 hear or there would have balanced the bass and toned down the slight boominess.

I have heard totem at 2007 ces and the rooms sound was very good. There were a lot of people visiting that room. There is something about the highs and mids that capture your ear about the totems. Its also amazing how much bass they get out of those slim speakers.

As most would say..hear them in your room and with the rest of your gear is the best way to tell if at all possible.
First I would like to thank everyone for their input. I have to agree with Digsmithd, both the forest and mani-2's metal tweeter can be a bit bright. The other thing that concerns me is how tall the forests are. I think they are only 36" tall. Last time I heard them i noticed that you had to be in the sweet spot for the sound to be good. I know most speakers have a sweet spot, but I don't want a speaker to sound totally different when I leave my listening spot. I have read that the adagios still maintain the same sound even when listening of axis from the typical sweet spot.

To Distortion, I could'nt agree more about SC. I'm in columbia and the nearest "real" dealer is in Charlotte NC. It is really disappointing that there isnt a stronger market for highend equipment in SC.