Stereophile review of Escalante Fremont

Has anyone read Stereophile review (Feb '08) of Escalante Design Fremont spkrs ?
Reviewed by Larry Greenhill & measured by Jon Atkinson .

How come they make a review of the spkrs without proper setup :
- LG didn't attached the stand spikes because of his new wood floor & put some bad comments (nasal / coloured tonal).
- JA measured the spkrs with above condition .
- No information if the spkrs burned-in

In my experience , result could be very sensitive for full range spkrs setup ( freq. resp : 18 hz - 50 khz ) .

How can such a great magazine editor allow to publish review with above condition ?

Really different with Positive-Feedback (by Greg Weaver) & Stereo Times (by Dave Thomas & Greg Petan) reviews .
This three reviewers has bought Fremont after made the review .

Seems our international respectable Stereophile magazine has a lot of degradation in their quality .
Is there politics inside this magazine ?
What a waste review ... i think ...
Regarding the measurements, I have a friend who recently bought the Fremonts, and they measure in his room in a manner that is very close to Atkinson's measurements. That being said, my friend likes the sound of the speakers and, at least at this stage of the game, does not detect troublesome timbral inaccuracies or problematic colorations. The speakers were purchased used and are believed to be properly burned in. The speakers are also set up correctly on the spikes.

I have not heard the speakers, so I don't have a personal view as to their performance.
But looking at the Fremont, you might expect such a graph. It has the Revelator tweeter and one big, honking woofer. Isn't that pretty much the recipe for a large dip in the midrange?

PS: I like the way they sound, though.
Seems our international respectable Stereophile magazine has a lot of degradation in their quality

If the measurements are completely wrong (incorrectly and incompetently made) then I agree...but where is the evidence that Stereophile measurements are that bad. (Spikes and burn-in are irrelevant for the kind of obvious problems we see on the plots, which are among the worst I have ever seen published by Stereophile but I recall even the Maxx2 had some slightly weird stuff going on - but nothing like this - perhaps there is something in the air in Provo in the stratospheric high end...sniff sniff?)
Speakers are using the woofers dust cap for a mid range & upper bass from internal vented isobaric woofer, I would expect the upper bass & mids to suffer...same designer as Talon's. Weird thing was everyone was ethusiasitic about the bass, yet it measured so-so at the low end. USPTO has patent viewable on line. After viewing patent info was suprised to see in review that the internal & external woofers didn't cover the exact same freq. range