ATC active or Tannoy TD12?

Have this set up now Naim cds2,82 modified by Whest and Supercap modified by Whest,Naim amp 250 and Tannoy TD12.Actualy I will receive this 82,supercap combo in near future.The guy who sold it to me is advicing ATC Scm active.What kind of improvment I will get with ATC's compare to Tannoy TD12 which I like a lot.I don't mind some coloration and like their musicality side,huge soundstage.Anyone compared these 2?
Thanks Shadorne.I only want to get worthy improvment.I am curently integrated powerfull Revel B15 to the system and it was huge improvment alongside adding Whest modified Naim NAC82,Supercap.Now sounding very good,I am still thinking that my old Naim 250 is not great match for this combination.That was why I was thinking to go active speakers and avoid this amp situation upgrade.
Tied Atc t16 active and sold it with big loss,it was unlistanable when you compare it with Tannoy Td12.Maybee bigger models like ATC 50 active could be more fair to compare.I was really disappointed with that sound.
How are the ATC Passives (say, the SCM-40 or others) for
somewhat nearfield use (7.5 feet from the listening chair)?
Are they assaultive or piercing at all?
Thanks in advance.

With ATC you need to think low distortion, clarity and forwardness that you would normally associate with horns but with wider even dispersion of a dynamic speaker. So if tend to find horns are harsh and piercing then yes, absolutely, ATC will be similar.


If the T16 was unlistenable then no ATC speaker will work for you - they all pretty much sound alike. Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. On the flipside you can feel even happier about the sound of your awesome Tannoys!
Shadorne said,
" = insane SPL levels). Judging by the TD12 plots on Stereophile - I think the ATC's will give you less bass and less thickness in the lower midrange and less at the very top end - essentially the ATC's are pretty much flat and sound that way (potentially too thin for you) - absolutely no sizzle or boom boom just really great mids are what stick out - until you hit higher SPL's at which point they become scary live kind of realistic with the transient impact that will restrict you to only good quality recordings or you will want to the leave the room/run for cover (also unlikely to make you popular with the neighbors or your spouse/GF). Bear in mind, both these speakers are quite similar in the sense they are dynamic power houses that play well at low and extremely loud levels...although the older Tannoy horns are best known for "jump" factor."

Just a couple of questions. How loud is loud? Which albums do you listen loudly to and how loud do you listen to them?

Just curious.
