ATC active or Tannoy TD12?

Have this set up now Naim cds2,82 modified by Whest and Supercap modified by Whest,Naim amp 250 and Tannoy TD12.Actualy I will receive this 82,supercap combo in near future.The guy who sold it to me is advicing ATC Scm active.What kind of improvment I will get with ATC's compare to Tannoy TD12 which I like a lot.I don't mind some coloration and like their musicality side,huge soundstage.Anyone compared these 2?
Oh yes - New Order - I remember them well - Blue Monday in particular. I
have many of these singles. Girl's just want to have fun was snappy too - I
have that on single version too.

And, of course, "I, I, I ain't gonna play Sun City...."

Sorry I missed your reply. Thanks for the suggestions.
Anyone who lists This is Radio Clash is a friend of mine. I have two pristine copies. They just slam on the ATCs.
PS: I worked as a liason for the band with the US Festival and the The Who Tours in 1982 and 83. Really great shows most nights. Really wonderful people to work with. Really miss Joe Strummer--a super nice guy.

Love all those remix singles from that period--particularly New Order. I saw them play a secret gig/rave in downtown LA promoting that single in the mid 1980s. The entire lighting rig was blue lights--staging was just surreal.

Sun City is fabulous. I even liked what Baker did with The Boss: have you heard his remixes from Born in the USA from 1985? Very interesting in their composition.
It was a great period - studio productions cost millions - the engineering
quality was amazing - I am not sure we will ever get that again - great
dynamics. You tend to only get the dynamics with dance genre these days -
Kaskade etc.

This slams too

and this one Situation
ATC's and Tannoy TD 12's have very different sounds.
The ATC's, I own the 20-2's, are unfailingly neutral. They show their monitor heritage very well. Great recordings sound great and poor recordings sound dreadful. As many have said ATC's are very faithful to the tone and harmonics of music. BTW, I made Naim cables to use my Naim 202 to drive the ATC 20-2's. The result was poor. I found a much better result with a tube preamp.

The Tannoy TD-12's are marvelous speakers. The sound can be tailored depending on the components used upstream. The midrange and treble with tubes is just sublime but the bass is just OK. The TD-12's with good soild state have strong bass but some of the tube midrange and treble magic is lost.
