Amp for Mirage M1 Si's??

Picked up a pair of M1's and am wondering what might
be the best amp for around $500-$1000 or so.
They are very power hungry it seems. I have a 200 W/PC
integrated that by itself is on the warmer side of nuetral
and these M1's seem to still be a little under powered (83db)
and on the darker laid back side. What would give these
some sparkle & kick?
I like the overall potential of these to pursue the
right amp.
Room is 20x20x12

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
--Had the 3si years ago and ran them with a Moscode 600. If one were to look into this amp; get a moded/rebuilt one and it should be still within your price range.
I had a pair of M3si and tried all kinds of "Audiophile" class A AB amps. I got a pair of class D monoblocks, and it was like I was standing in the room vs standing in the next room. The sound completely opened up, and the bass was some much better. They are the way to go with the older Mirages.
I recently brought my M-1's out of storage and paired them with Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblocks (400 wpc.) They have never sound better! I was very impressed. A bit over your budget, but goes to show what can be achieved.