Which speakers will fill 5,000 cubic ft coherently

In porevious threads I've bemoaned the fact that my Kharma 3.2 FEs don't fill the room, 17 X 23 X 15 ft ceilings with a vertical enough soundstage, as though the speakers are literally too small. I have been advised to raise them,which I have done, , I have told to get taller, line arrays, even given names of custom speaker makers. Any specic recommendations from those that have had, and have conquered, this issue.
Pick your poison. I would go for a wide range single driver midrange. Look at the classics like Ls3-5a, original Quad, Spica TC-50, original Advent, etc. All were as simple as possible. K.I.S.S.
Time has taught us (some of us) that complexity brings with it complication.......and problems.
I'm impressed with what I've read about SP Tech. I spoke to Bob and he does not feel the location (near the front wall) or size of the room, or the fact that I have a tube OTL amp are impediments. (I know, I know, 8 ohms is better)- but I still haven't found the ideal speaker in theory, and SP Tech is getting raves. Comments?
Thinking over your problem again I think I'd be taking a look at reflections from the floor under your system.
Your high ceiling may be changing what might normally be balanced by an 8 ft ceiling.
Could you advise your flooring around your system & speakers?
I noticed that the Coincident Total Ref has been replaced with the Pure Ref model. Quite a bit of verbage at high-endaudio web site about these...